Persona is a social media platform designed for creators by creators. The Persona app provides access to the Persona platform, along with collaborative software tools designed to empower small teams of Persona users to share the stories of their creative endeavours.--v0.22 android release 17:- Anonymous Personas + Options on top of each Persona in Users Persona List: from left-to-right : * delete * white heart toggles display on user profile * white group of people: persona is non-anonymous: author list is public red group of people: persona is anonymous: author list is hidden * white eye: persona is visible in public red eye: persona is private: only authors can view this persona, however, if you white heart select for your profile, the persona will still display on user profile, but all posts will be hidden * white plus: create a new post- chat rewritten + DM other users + public chat on public collab/persona posts + private chat (inside studio) on collab/persona posts + for now ActivityScreen gets chat notifications, but not doing push notifications for chat messages until chat is more stable (next few days)- minor usability/UI cleanups- new comments engine. emoji-reacts to comments. remixes coming soon.- Initial sketches of a story-driven-feed- old home feed repurposed as a view into creator activity on persona- long form text on posts- image, video and audio posts. RichText posts coming soon.- initial sketch of galleries on posts: for now, only allow multiple images on a post (once this is working well: multiple images/video/audio/text in gallery form)